The brilliant oranges and reds have started to fade to muted yellows and deep evergreen pines, but I’m sort of loving this new moody vibe.
This week in Maine has showed me how the universe works in seriously wonderful ways, if you’re willing to just trust your intuition and say yes. Let’s get into it.

Boston sports completely dominate the Northeast and sports seasons (football and hockey, in particular) are getting underway. I’m fascinated by how sports seem to unify even the most unlikely of people and it’s no different up here. Three guys from around the area adopted me, and the experience in itself is probably its own post.

On a side note, sweet potato means they’re healthy, right?

Saturday, I made my way down the coast to Portland, my final Maine stop in this trip. On the way, I stopped off to sample some local delicacies at a farmer’s market in Belfast — which was packed for a Saturday morning.

I attempted to stop in a few lobster shacks along the way for lunch, but most are closed up for the season. Maine is a state of 1.2 million people, but the numbers balloon up to more than 10 million during the summer. It’s an interesting snapshot of how tourism can define major swaths of a state and the impact it has on local economies.

I finally succeeded when I made it to Portland. Lobster roll, salty fries and malt vinegar = one happy Emily.

That afternoon, left to my own devices, I decided to explore some of Portland’s most recommended tourist destinations. Which, conveniently, happened to be breweries – the other way to this Wisconsin girl’s heart. Allagash was packed, but worth the hype. (I had a beer called 16 counties that I’m still thinking about!)
And then, when I went to the brewery across the street for something more relaxed, I met a lobsterman who asked me to play cornhole (bags, but I digress) with him and his cousin’s boyfriend and later invited me to a Halloween party being thrown that night.

I said yes, and couldn’t be more pleased that I did.

Saying yes to that party also meant I convinced him to take me out on the boat with him and his partner for the day. So on Monday, I spent the day on the Atlantic Ocean, asking far too many questions about his job and life in Portland. And trying not to fall over, because I may or may not have any experience on the open ocean.

I mean, can you BELIEVE?? (PS This is the most photographed lighthouse in the world, and they pass it on their way into work!)

Some seriously wild creatures also get caught in the traps from time to time!

But also, a fair amount of plastic. Scotty says that it’s more or less the same since he started nearly 20 years ago, but it’s still far too much plastic in the ocean for my taste.

They pulled in about 330 pounds for the day, and that’s not counting the ones we boiled and ate on ship. (One word – yum.)

And as quickly as it came, it went. My trip to Maine has wrapped up and I’m now in New Hampshire through the weekend. The state motto is “live free or die,” so I’m sure it’ll be a wild ride.