I could ramble on about how time is flying and I can’t believe it’s time for another weekly recap… or I could just show you the goods. What do you think?
Let’s get to it.

Boston continues to be one of my favorite places in the country to explore. The history! The cobblestones! The art and character around every turn! I am so smitten with this East Coast city.

Although, would someone be able to identify this cauliflower-looking plant for me? It’s a flower of some sort and I’m stumped!

Some of the sights from around the city. Could Boston BE any more lovely?

Halloween night, I went to two breweries with my cousin and her boyfriend, who were generous enough to let me stay with them during my visit. My tour of great beer around the United States continues, and I am so here for it.

I wrapped up my few days in Boston with more exploring (I will forever be smitten by the Beacon Hill and South Bay neighborhoods… I have such a vision of an alternate reality, where I live in a brownstone and can walk these streets every day.)

And of course, had a few cannolis along the way. (I know there’s a debate on which is the best cannoli in Boston, so I took it upon myself to do some unofficial research. Jury’s still out, so I think I may need another trip back.)

From Boston, I made my way to Rhode Island, where I stayed for a few days with my sister’s best friend and his housemates. They are some of the most generous and kind people, for many reasons, but one is definitely when I came back to a bed already made and waiting.
We had lively discussions about the meaning behind different state/regional borders, religion and spirituality, and the economic and education systems in place in Providence. There are so many ideas I can’t wait to share.

I spent a day exploring some of the seaside communities in the state, including Newport and Little Compton. At this diner in Newport, I had the best homefries of my entire life. (I’m pretty sure I’ll be dreaming about them until the end of time.)

Do you think the owner of this boat would mind if I took it out for a joy ride? It was made for me!

Rhode Island is a charming, tiny state that I couldn’t recommend more highly. If you haven’t been, you definitely should add it to the list.

One my first full day in Providence, I found my way into one of the friendliest dive bars on my trip so far. The bartender and patrons at this place have set a new standard by which all future bars will be held for the remainder of my trip: they were welcoming, kind, generous and extremely supportive. I have so many thoughts and insights to share.

But! Now it’s on to my next state of the tour: Connecticut. It’s my final state in New England before I start making my way down south towards warmer weather (and I couldn’t be more ready — there’s snow in the forecast this weekend).
Until next time.