How is already nearly Thanksgiving?! This month has flown by, and I’m ready for the short week to proceed. I’m already knee-deep in the holiday spirit (with Christmas music being my soundtrack since early November), so I’m itching for everything to “officially” kick off. 

That said, TODAY — I have a pretty fascinating set of articles for your consideration. (I had a lot of fun putting this one together!) With the Democratic primary heating up, there are thoughts and opinions coming in from all angles, and I tried to capture them all.

Plus, some fun, because we can’t be all work and no play, right? 

Note: As a disclaimer, I want to say that the links I share below do not necessarily reflect my own views, either politically or personally. Some are left leaning, some are right leaning, some are more in the middle. I am constantly challenging myself to consider issues from all angles, and these links reflect this challenge. 

Secondary note: Additionally, I want to take this moment to encourage you to share feedback/thoughts of your own in the comments section. I’m sincerely up for open dialogue and the sharing of opinions and ideas. That said, whether in agreement or criticism, please always treat each other with mutual respect. 

“Never Trump” entered the popular lexicon during the 2016 campaign. But what does it mean to some conservatives today?

A bi-partisan transcript that asks the question: can American nationalism be saved? 

Democratic candidate Amy Klobuchar alleges that she and the other female candidates are being held to a different standard than their male counterparts. 

Pennsylvania’s governor has just green-lit a $3 million study on the long-term health impacts of fracking. 

One conservative outlet muses on ideas of electability and why the candidate’s likability matters.

In a similar vein, FiveThirtyEight takes a look at the Democratic front runners’ likability in the polls

Have you watched any of the Democratic debates this primary season? These debates can have substantive moments, but often derail as each candidate tries to grab the spotlight. One outlet questions — are they too entertaining? 

This story is long, but fascinating: a mysterious royal family captivated international media for years. But what happens if it was all a hoax? 

Google is the next in the internet to start redefining and reigning in political advertising. Here’s a breakdown of the move.

In honor of the upcoming holiday this week: a collection of seriously delicious-soundng cocktails for your feast.

Until next week — please let me know what you think! I always welcome feedback, especially in terms of additional reading or sources; please feel free to leave them in the comments below or via

Categories: Link List