Monday is here once again, which means I’m back with a roundup of reads to help start your week. 

How was your weekend? Mine was good! It started in Illinois, conducting interviews in Springfield and exploring Route 66. Then, it was off to St. Louis to start state 24 (nearly halfway!) of this project. I’ve started poking around the city, but most of my exploring will happen in just a little bit. Sundays are (usually) more of an errands/admin day. 

Now, without further ado. 

Note: As a disclaimer, I want to say that the links I share below do not necessarily reflect my own views, either politically or personally. Some are left-leaning, some are right-leaning, some are more in the middle. I am constantly challenging myself to consider issues from all angles, and these links reflect this challenge. 

Secondary note: Additionally, I want to take this moment to encourage you to share feedback/thoughts of your own in the comments section. I’m sincerely up for open dialogue and the sharing of opinions and ideas. That said, whether in agreement or criticism, please always treat each other with mutual respect. 

Chances are you know someone who participates in the growing “gig economy.” One congressman has ideas on how to change the system to help workers.

Presidential primary candidate Bernie Sanders took Nevada — and one conservative makes a case for his electability.

Thought you knew the 14th amendment? Here’s a look at (and a case for using) the lesser-known second clause.

Vox did an interesting breakdown of all the current Democratic primary candidates — this collection pitches their greatest strengths, one by one. (FiveThirtyEight also outlined 26 possible ways the nomination could go after Nevada.)

One Tennessee town is teaching elementary schoolers how to use Narcan. (Here’s a look inside the classroom.)

Are we really worse off than we were 45 years ago? One conservative argument says no.

Last week, billionaire Jeff Bezos pledged $10 billion to fight climate change. But how far will that pledge go?

On a similar note — one case for modernizing the American electrical grid.

Need to catch up on the potential US/Taliban peace deal? Here’s one spot to start.

Something fun: eight minutes of musical artistry

Until next week — please let me know what you think! I always welcome feedback, especially in terms of additional reading or sources; please feel free to leave them in the comments below or via

Categories: Link List