You may have seen this on social media yesterday, but I wanted to take a moment to update the blog as well. I know that everywhere you turn, it seems like someone is talking about COVID-19 — from all backgrounds, opinions, and angles. It’s hard to sort through fact versus fiction and determine how you should move forward. 

I’ve received a number of messages over the past week or so regarding the project and this pandemic, and I wanted to address my plan for the coming week. Much like many of you, I’ve been watching the news carefully as everything unfolds. 

Due to the escalation over the past several days, I have made the decision to step away from the road and self-quarantine. From WHO declaring it a pandemic and President Trump declaring it a national emergency to multiple states shutting down schools, restaurants, libraries, public spaces, and other businesses, it feels like the most responsible decision. 

In fact, my previous plan of proceeding with my travel plans with caution feels immensely irresponsible: for me, yes, but mostly for the public at large, considering the sheer number of people I interview and interact with every day. While I am not experiencing any elevated symptoms, but after learning more about how this virus can spread, I do not unwittingly harm anyone. 

I will be stepping off the road until spaces begin to re-open and the encouragement to either social distance or self-quarantine is retracted. When it is safe to do so, I will return to the mother road and complete the remaining 23 states.

That said, I want to assure you that I am not going anywhere (digitally). I have plenty of content to write, edit and share with you, so it may not look very different here on this platform. I’ll continue to reflect on stories from the road and share the thoughts I have along the way. 

I’ll also be sharing resources on how we can all help our neighbors, as we are able, during this time. Most people are good, and even in this time of uncertainty, I believe you can see that all around. 

If you have any questions about my plans or how this project will look in the coming weeks, feel free to email me at Thinking of all of you.