Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds you plant.
— Robert Louis Stevenson
With more than a full month off the road, I can officially say that I feel set in a new rhythm. It’s difficult not to feel disappointed by the milestones passing me by (I’m supposed to be in Alaska right now, actually, but have suspended all my travel plans in light of COVID-19), but I know that the decision I made to stay put is undeniably the most responsible one.
So, here I am! It’s Thursday once again and I’m reflecting on the past seven days to find the silver linings in this time spent stationary.

Three Good Things From Last Week
ONE. I have been in Berkeley for a week now and am enjoying the new face-to-face time I have with my toddler niece. It’s been a challenge to essentially have my work hours halved, from around 12 hours a day to 6 (if I’m lucky). But the luxury of spending time in person, and watching her grow into her own person, is not lost on me. I love the opportunity to be beloved Auntie Em.
TWO. I’m back online and loving connecting with all of you. I’ve been working my way through my inbox (sorry if I haven’t gotten back to you yet! I will, I promise!) and am so honored by all of your thoughtful comments and messages. You are definitely a highlight of this trip and this time spent stationary.
THREE. I’ve made steady progress with prepping for the podcast launch (date TBA) and finalizing chapters I wrote while at the cabin. The chapters went out to the first test readers last week(!) and I am anxiously awaiting their feedback. I’m currently confirming guests for the first four episodes of the We the Voters podcast, and am excited about the stories I have to investigate.

Two Things I Can’t Stop Thinking About
ONE. I’ve been thinking a lot about different ways communities connect during this time of social distancing. Between a surplus of Zoom and FaceTime calls and the influx of live streams from churches, museums and other community organizations, connection appears to be at the forefront of all our minds. Are there lessons we can continue from this time when things return to “normal”?
TWO. With all the ongoing uncertainty, I am anxiously watching the news for updates about the status of COVID-19 and different shelter in place requirements. Right now, all of my travel arrangements have been placed on hold indefinitely — but I am anxious to get back out there and continue traveling the remaining 23 states. This time stationary is a pause (not an end) for my project.

One Goal For The Week Ahead
ONE. This week, I am gearing up to record the first episodes of the We the Voters podcast. I’ve been dusting off the knowledge I’d gained from time spent in broadcast newsrooms and it feels good to challenge myself in a new way while preparing for this next phase of the project. I’m eager to start interviewing and editing the premiere episodes so you can follow along in a new format.

If you have a few minutes, I’d love to hear one of the good things that happened to you this week! Let me know in the comments or by emailing me at
And until next time — onward.