If you want to be happy, do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present.
— Roy T. Bennett
Another week has passed here in California and it’s hard to believe it’s Thursday once again! The days seem to blur together in such a way that it often feels that time is not passing at all — a truly strange sensation. But alas, it is Thursday, and that means it’s time for another reflection of the week past and a look to the one ahead.

Three Good Things From Last Week
ONE. This week has been all about essays. I’ve spent a majority of my working hours brainstorming, planning, and writing essays that will turn into posts here on the blog in the coming weeks — and determining how many posts I have for the uncertain weeks and months to come. I’m excited to share these ideas and thoughts with you!
TWO. I’ve been pouring over recordings from interviews I’ve conducted throughout the trip and reveling in the stories people shared and insights they had. I feel so grateful to be entrusted with their thoughts and each audio file transports me straight back to where I was — its an immediate trip down memory lane and a momentary satiation of my wanderlust. While transcription can feel tedious, I know that the outcome is more than worth it.
THREE. Spending in person time with my niece has been priceless. While I have to maneuver my working hours around her sleep schedule (lots of late nights and early mornings now!), it is 100% worth it for every time I’m able to give her my full attention and revel in her shrieks of joy. (After all, there will always be more work to do — but her childhood is fleeting.)

Two Things I Can’t Stop Thinking About
ONE. My return to the road. Obsessing feels fruitless at this point, especially since there are so many unknown factors in play. But nevertheless, I can’t help but wonder if I should be heading back out into the states that are reopening in May to document stories for you “from the ground” — or if it would be more prudent to wait and see how things develop. I’ve mapped out a potential return to the road that would take me through the remaining 23 states, and yet… it remains a waiting game.
TWO. I’ve settled into a rhythm in this time spent stationary and I love the return to structure. Knowing exactly what’s expected of me (even when they’re self-motivated expectations) is essential for me to feel like each day goes smoothly — and ends on a high note. I’m eager to figure out how to translate this structure back into my time on the road, so I can remain this productive in the states ahead.

One Goal For The Week Ahead
ONE. I want to secure guests for the first series of the We the Voters podcast! I am so excited about this new arm of the project and like I’ve mentioned before, really enjoying the opportunity to revisit old broadcast journalism skills. The process of securing guests has been more challenging than I could’ve imagined, but I’m keeping my chin up and moving forward — people will say yes eventually, I’m certain of it.

If you have a few minutes, I’d love to hear one of the good things that happened to you this week! Let me know in the comments or by emailing me at wethevotersproject@gmail.com.
And until next time — onward.