The final Monday of April is upon us — and with that, another round of interesting articles from around the web. But first, how was your weekend? 

Mine was remarkably similar to the rest of the week, to be honest. The rhythm of time stationery in Northern California means fitting in time to write and work on other parts of the project around my niece’s nap and sleep schedule. (Plenty of early mornings and late nights.) I am trying to launch a few new exciting parts of the project, so there’s plenty to keep me busy in this unexpected time “off-road.” 

For now, let’s take a mental break with a cup of coffee and review the ‘net together. There’s plenty going on right now to discuss. 

Note: As a disclaimer, I want to say that the links I share below do not necessarily reflect my own views, either politically or personally. Some are left-leaning, some are right-leaning, some are more in the middle. I am constantly challenging myself to consider issues from all angles, and these links reflect this challenge. 

Secondary note: Additionally, I want to take this moment to encourage you to share feedback/thoughts of your own in the comments section. I’m sincerely up for open dialogue and the sharing of opinions and ideas. That said, whether in agreement or criticism, please always treat each other with mutual respect. 

One Republican Senator from South Carolina has a plan to “re-open America” — while still supporting the needs of African Americans and small businesses. 

In a time where healthcare access has become a fixture in the national conversation, two liberal outlets reveal LGBT+ healthcare appears to be under attackparticularly transgender healthcare

All around the country there have been protests to “re-open America.” One conservative outlet suggests that it isn’t that simple — and lifting restrictions isn’t the magic solution to aid an ailing economy

Allegations against presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden have arisen in the past few weeks — leaving some assault survivors (and some of the general public) wondering where they should cast their ballot

Earth Day last week brought about renewed vigor in conversations about climate change. One conservative suggests the US has the opportunity to “win” — with a pro-market solution.  

In a time where we depend on the US Postal Service possibly more than ever, it threatens to stumble (or even fail) under millions in debt

Criminal justice reform is often seen as a liberal stance, but in Oklahoma — one Republican former politician is leading the charge

President Trump signed a new immigration order this past week. Some US citizens with foreign-born parents are worried about how their parents may obtain green cards

Is there a way to bail out the oil industry while still supporting climate change

In 1964, an American Beatles cover band took South America by storm. This story is wild

Until next week — please let me know what you think! I always welcome feedback, especially in terms of additional reading or sources; please feel free to leave them in the comments below or via