No amount of regretting can change the past, and no amount of worrying can change the future.
— Roy T. Bennett
Another week stationary has come and gone, which means I’m yet another week closer to being back on the road. The cycle of days and weeks feel long while in motion, but looking back — I’ve already been off the road for six weeks and they seem to have flown by.
How was your week? What have you been up to? My week has been more of the same — hanging out with my niece and sister, working on the project, sleeping, repeat. Overall, a good week though; I feel immensely grateful for good health and the efforts of healthcare professionals, researchers, and other essential workers. (If that is you…thank you so much!!)

Three Good Things From Last Week
ONE. I’ve developed a new way to hold myself accountable to daily goals and new projects — and this time, it’s on paper. When I was in the cabin a few weeks ago, I had an excel document with a word count I strove to meet every day, and I checked in throughout the day with self updates. These days, my check-in is on paper: small stickers in a grid when I meet the goal I decide upon at the start of the day. I’m eager to see how this encourages me to stay on top of my self-imposed deadlines.
TWO. I am maximizing my time available to work around my niece’s sleep schedule. By prioritizing projects before she wakes, while she naps, and after she falls asleep, I am able to be off my phone (and fully present) when she’s awake. The time disconnected is a good reminder for me to remain fully attune to one task — and I get to fully delight in the ways she is growing and seeing the world.
THREE. I am laying the groundwork for rhythms and projects that will continue once I return to the road — which may happen by early summer, looking at the current projections. This planning makes me feel like the project is in motion, even while I’m stationary. I’m eager to enact them and see how they work once I’m back on the road.

Two Things I Can’t Stop Thinking About
ONE. Accountability and procrastination have been top of mind this week, as I’ve battled my newfound obsession with Reddit and the temptation of social media. I’ve been walking a fine line of staying connected with the outside world while still not getting sidetracked into mindless scrolls and petty drama. The paper check-in is one way I’ve decided to combat these temptations — and a timer on my computer that blocks sites after 15 minutes on them each day is another strategy. So far, I’m pleased with how they’re working. (I’ll report back once I’ve given them some more time!)
TWO. My birthday is less than a month away and it’s a big one — my golden birthday. Months ago, I’d planned to spend a long weekend at home so I could celebrate with my family and friends early before heading back to Utah to hike in Moab on the actual day. Now, obviously, plans have changed — but they’re still up in the air. Obsessing about something fun (how to spent a full day doing anything I want) is some welcomed distraction from my regular obsessions (work, COVID-19, and more work). Any ideas for a fun social distancing birthday?

One Goal For The Week Ahead
ONE. I am eager to put some more words onto paper for the upcoming book that will be released following this project’s completion next year. There are still a few more chapters I can write before I’m completely “caught up,” and I’m excited to continue reflecting on where I was, how far I’ve come, and what I’ve learned about America along the way.

If you have a few minutes, I’d love to hear one of the good things that happened to you this week! Let me know in the comments or by emailing me at
And until next time — onward.