Be thankful for everything that happens in your life; it’s all an experience.
— Roy T. Bennett
Good morning! Another week has come and gone… it’s hard to believe it’s time for yet another weekly recap. How are you doing? Are you and your loved ones staying healthy? I’m sending love and light your way, wherever you may be. We’re in this together.
Here in Berkeley, the days feel long but the weeks are short. (Ah, so is life with a toddler.) We’ve filled our days with tie-dye adventures, long walks, sidewalk chalk, and more than a few rounds of play-doh. When she rests, I squeeze in some writing, project prep, podcast inquiries, and yes — a little bit of rest of my own.

Three Good Things From Last Week
ONE. The weather has been warmer than usual in Northern California, which means we took a (socially distanced) trip to the beach last week — and we’ve been eating popsicles up the wazoo. (Blue Raspberry remains, to this day, my absolute favorite flavor.) Both have been bright spots in a rather trying week.
TWO. I may be hundreds of miles away from my local library (and even if I was still in Chicago, the branches are closed!), but I’m still able to check out e-books and audiobooks for this time in self-quarantine. I’ve currently maxed out my checkouts with everything from The Art of the Memoir by Mary Karr to How Safe Are We? by Janet Napolitano — so now the biggest question is…what do I read next?
THREE. I’ve been doing a lot of dishes this week after my sister’s dishwasher bit the dust, but pairing them with the #amwriting podcast has made a huge difference! I’ve been listening to this podcast for years… but I’m finding myself reaching for it even more these days. The recent episodes about redefining expectations and finding new paths forward really hit home; they’ve served as a necessary kick in the butt to keep moving forward (even when I’m stationary).

Two Things I Can’t Stop Thinking About
ONE. I have 27 states remaining once I’m finally able to get back on the road full time and it’s undeniable that this trip will look different following the pandemic. As I prepare for (and admittedly, daydream about) the road ahead, I’ve been examining towns across the remaining states to make as many decisions now as possible. The silver lining of this time is, well, time — it’s giving me the opportunity to approach the road more prepared than ever before.
TWO. My sister and I have been flying through Schitt’s Creek as our feel-good television treat. Introducing her to this bizarre world has been a blast and I’ve found myself thinking about funny moments throughout the day — and anxiously waiting for another pick-me-up. If you’re looking for a new show to binge on Netflix, I highly recommend it.

One Goal For The Week Ahead
ONE. It makes a huge difference for my productivity when I spend a few minutes in the morning writing in my journal — and yet, the temptation of Reddit has won out most mornings in the past few weeks. This week, I want to start my days off by checking in with myself and my goals. Coming back to center will be good for me (and for the project).

If you have a few minutes, I’d love to hear one of the good things that happened to you this week! Let me know in the comments or by emailing me at
And until next time — onward.