Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.
— Albert Einstein
This week marks two months off the road. The weeks blend together, a true illustration of how the days may be long, but the years are short. How is it Thursday again?

Three Good Things From Last Week
ONE. I’ve been working on a new knitting project during this time off the road and I’m about halfway done. Seeing the progress add up with a little work is very satisfying — and I have a feeling I’ll have a whole new winter wardrobe by the time snow comes back around this year.
TWO. I’ve been working on the first season of my upcoming podcast and am so excited to share it with you (soon)! Transcribing audio from old interviews is teaching me so much about America without ever leaving my sister’s living room — and I feel like I have more questions than ever before. Luckily, interviews can happen even during shelter-in-place orders… thanks Zoom!
THREE. My sister and I asked our aunts and cousins for their favorite recipes and have been working our way through their suggestions. It’s been so much fun! I love feeling close to my family when they’re far away and making some family favorites for the first time ourselves.

Two Things I Can’t Stop Thinking About
ONE. States across the country are in various stages of “opening back up” and I can’t seem to tear myself away from the coverage. Questions run around my mind in an endless carousel: how should I handle the re-opening? Should I get back on the road? Should I stay stationary? I have conflicted thoughts between project integrity and personal/public safety. So for now, I will continue to watch — and will keep you updated with any changes.
TWO. While skimming Twitter this past week, I stumbled across this young girl who wrote a letter to thank her post office worker — which started a cascade of letters from post office workers across the country. My heart completely melted. Oh what we can learn about gratitude and paying it forward from the young ones around us. (And a much needed, well-deserved thank you to postal workers and all the essential workers.)

One Goal For The Week Ahead
ONE. Continued progress on my project goals. I’ve been working on ways to keep myself accountable while stationary, since it feels like this time is seemingly endless. This week, I’m working on a set of essays for June and I’m excited about what I’ve got up my sleeve.

If you have a few minutes, I’d love to hear one of the good things that happened to you this week! Let me know in the comments or by emailing me at
And until next time — onward.