Good morning! How was your weekend? Mine was really great — some work, a lot of time with my niece, and a bottle of fantastic wine split with my sister. I’ve loved my time here; it’s been a true silver lining amidst the pandemic. 

Today, I’m enjoying my last day in Northern California before I drive across the country to Georgia for more dedicated work time. (A full update coming tomorrow! Stay tuned.) For now, I wanted to share some of the most interesting articles I’ve read from around the internet this week. Just a little something to kick off your Monday morning. 

Happy reading! 

Note: As a disclaimer, I want to say that the links I share below do not necessarily reflect my own views, either politically or personally. Some are left-leaning, some are right-leaning, some are more in the middle. I am constantly challenging myself to consider issues from all angles, and these links reflect this challenge. 

Secondary note: Additionally, I want to take this moment to encourage you to share feedback/thoughts of your own in the comments section. I’m sincerely up for open dialogue and the sharing of opinions and ideas. That said, whether in agreement or criticism, please always treat each other with mutual respect. 

President Trump and presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden have each faced criticism — but nothing appears to stick among their supporters. One conservative outlet wonders…why? 

COVID-19 will undoubtedly have immense economic impacts for years to come. A columnist wonders if it could also change trends of income inequality.

How did the GOP become a safe haven for science doubters?

One Florida congresswoman appears to be nearing the top of presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s VP shortlist

Do private businesses (like Google or YouTube) have a responsibility to act as a public entity?

A federal immigration agency is running out of money — and asking for a big bailout.

A conservative columnist looks at lessons from the war in Afghanistan to address current COVID-19 concerns

Five editors debate: what’s the best state in the USA?

The EU stands at a crossroads in the wake of Brexit and amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic. Here’s one path forward.

This collection of photos truly captures some of my favorite spots in Wisconsin. Color me…smitten

Until next week — please let me know what you think! I always welcome feedback, especially in terms of additional reading or sources; please feel free to leave them in the comments below or via

Categories: Link List