“There’s always a sunrise and always a sunset and it’s up to you to choose to be there for it,” said my mother. “Put yourself in the way of beauty.”
— Cheryl Strayed
I’ve been a morning person my entire life, but in the past week or so, I’ve hit my most productive work hours between 4 p.m. and midnight. (There must be something in the air, I swear!) This means I’ve been up as late as 2:30 a.m. working on different parts of the project before I can finally quiet my mind enough to sleep — and then I sleep in until 11 or so before starting the cycle all over again.
I’m still getting the same amount of work done (or arguably, possibly even more!), but this dalliance into being a “night person” is strange to wrap my mind around. It’s hard not to feel bad about my productivity for the day at 3 p.m. when logically I know that I haven’t even gotten truly started yet.
My to do list continues to shrink though, so for now — whatever works, right?

Three Good Things From Last Week
ONE. I’ve conducted more than a half dozen interviews with a local police department in the last week to better understand community policing and other department policies. Now, I’m going through more than 20 hours of tape so I can bring their insights to you.
TWO. The weather has been cooperating here in Georgia and I’m taking advantage of living so close to a lake — I’ve visited three times in the past two weeks. Being out in the sun (with PLENTY of sunscreen…the sun down here is NO joke) is a wonderful mental break, even for an hour or two. I leave feeling like I took a mini vacation every time.
THREE. I’ve been watching some seriously wonderful documentaries this week (After Parkland sticks out, for sure) and feeling very inspired by the exquisite work of other long-form writers and filmmakers. If you have a good documentary recommendation, let me know! I’m particularly interested in ones that take a more in-depth look at current events or politics.

H1: Two Things I Can’t Stop Thinking About
ONE. I have been “on the road” for 11 months now (even if — technically — three of those have been stationary). THAT. IS. WILD. I was looking back at the photos from when I first started and began to well up while sitting at a coffee shop. I cannot believe how far I’ve come in a year and how much my work has changed in so many unexpected ways. I am so excited for the time still to come.
TWO. Texas has paused its statewide reopening plan as COVID-19 cases rise, California has declared a budget emergency, New York has required travelers from eight states to quarantine if they visit. Just when I was starting to thinking more about resuming travel, I’m reminded of why I have hit “pause” in the first place. The road will still be there…and I’ll be ready, as soon as it is safe.

One Goal For The Week Ahead
ONE. When I was getting ready this morning, an idea sparked for an exciting new project for this stationary time. I am STOKED about the opportunity this idea presents and how it could lead to some cool new ways to connect with you during this time off the road (and when I get back ON the road!). This week, I’m going to dig a little further into this idea to see just how feasible it could be.

If you have a few minutes, I’d love to hear one of the good things that happened to you this week! Let me know in the comments or by emailing me at wethevotersproject@gmail.com.
And until next time — onward.