[Disclaimer]: In this series, you’ll find stories straight from interviews I conducted while on the road from July 2019 to the present. The opinions and views shared do not necessarily reflect the opinions and views I hold, either professionally or personally. Sharing these interviews “as is” is intended to challenge you to sit with another person’s experience for a few moments and see the country from their point of view.

Mike says:
I grew up, as a kid I was over on the east side of Detroit and I loved it there. Everybody knew everybody for I’m sayin, miles. On this side of this mile and for a mile back. North, south, that’s a neighborhood. Everybody knows everybody.
The main thing is, when you walk – anywhere you go in Detroit – you have to always know that you have to have a certain spirit that’s going to bring you back. ‘Cause no matter what, your car could break down here, you’re stuck in a neighborhood, right, but you don’t know anything about it. It’s like being in the jungle. You know, you got different things you need to consider.
So what you do is you toughen up and you get through it. And when you get through it, cool. And you obtain growth like that. Whoever it is, you grow like that. And that makes us better, it makes us appreciate life better, appreciate others better.
When I see anybody my nationality, it makes me feels good because this how it should be. We’re supposed to all be able to live in one room, if we lived in one big house, because in the end — that’s what it’s going to amount up to. It may have different floors in that house, and different rooms, but for me, that’s what it’s going to amount up to.
We all have a certain spirit, and our spirit is what makes us lovable but yet, you know, serious. It’s a serious matter, you don’t want to mess with a person the wrong way, you know what I’m sayin? I’ve grown to know that.
I’ve got more love in me than I’ve got hate. And as far as a battle if I had to, if I had to go into battle, the Lord would be my leader, and that’s how I’m goin’.