Back when I was traveling for We the Voters, I did a recap every Thursday sharing photos from my week — and it was easy to gather the content since my location was changing all the time! Then, when I moved off the road, I transitioned to a new kind of recap, one that would share some more of the day-to-day work that kept this project moving in its new stationary phase.
These days, it’s still unclear when I’ll be able to resume travel for We the Voters. I am still working every single day on the project, but many of the pieces I’m working on right now — I can’t share with you (yet). So for the foreseeable future, I wanted to switch to a new kind of recap.
Starting today, and continuing on the final day of every month, I’ll be sharing a more substantive recap about the project as a “month in review.” I hope that you’ll enjoy these — and enjoy the space on Thursdays for new content coming to the blog.

Big Moments in July
July started off quiet. City-sanctioned Fourth of July festivities around Hart County, Georgia were canceled due to COVID-19, which led many residents to have their own private parties and fireworks displays. You couldn’t drive more than a mile or two without seeing fireworks shooting into the sky from someone’s farm!
I was invited to a low-key gathering in South Carolina, where I got a first-hand look at the many, many types of fireworks you can buy at stands that sprung up all over the area. (It took approximately two chances for me to determine…this one is not for me, but I’m glad others enjoy it!!)
Following Independence Day weekend, I went down to a small campground on the Gulf of Mexico for a few days to unplug after several months of working non-stop. I didn’t write a single word for We the Voters for five days, but I came back raring to get back in motion. (Sometimes, a break is just what I need…even if it doesn’t come easily at first.)
Camping on the Gulf of Mexico was a perfect (or as perfect as things can get) vacation during the pandemic. There were only a half dozen or so sites available, and we were rarely within six feet of strangers — which made social distancing the norm, rather than the exception. I was glad we picked this one rather than camping in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina or Biloxi, Mississippi!
Despite all of our precautions during this pandemic, my boyfriend contracted COIVD-19 from one of his restaurant employees and started coming down with symptoms a few days after the camping trip. We quarantined completely for two full weeks, starting with his “presumptive positive” result and ending a week after he received his official positive diagnosis.
Tracking down somewhere to get tested in the rural South was a challenge. Testing sites were either booked a week out or were prohibitively expensive and/or far away. After more than two hours of calling, I tracked down an appointment 20 minutes away for the following afternoon and feel very lucky to have found it! (And that it only cost $25.)
Quarantine was mind-bogglingly dull, but I feel immensely grateful that: A) I was asymptomatic for the majority of the time, minus some exhaustion and B) while his symptoms were serious, I was able to take care of him and he did begin to experience an upswing in recovery near the end of our two weeks of quarantine.
In the past week post-quarantine, I’ve noticed increasing restrictions put in place across bars, restaurants, retailers, and other establishments. Walmart, Dollar General, and most grocery stores in the area are now requiring customers to wear masks. In South Carolina, patrons in bars and restaurants will be required to wear masks indoors — a new restriction in addition to the required 11pm last call, every night.
With increasing restrictions being mandated by law in South Carolina starting Monday, I wonder if Georgia will soon follow suit. Living a few miles from the border makes for an interesting glimpse into “two worlds.”

Three Good Things
ONE. I celebrated my first anniversary of We the Voters!! It’s hard to believe that I’ve spent a whole year working on this project already, and somehow — I am just as excited about it as I was on day one. I cannot wait to see where year two will lead.
TWO. In celebrating year one of We the Voters, I was able to make some exciting announcements about year TWO! You can look forward to more blog posts, more newsletters, more YouTube videos, and more social media conversations in the year ahead. But even beyond that…the NEW We the Voters podcast will be launching in Fall 2020 and a NEW documentary short series will be launching in Winter 2021. I can’t wait to share what I’ve learned about the United States so far in new and exciting ways.
THREE. Six days at the beach were honestly magical. I read for hours every day and took long walks to look at driftwood and pick up shells. I drank iced coffee in the morning and a rotation of White Claw and La Croix after noon. I lived in tie-dye shirts and cheap flip flops while listening to my song of the summer and Jimmy Buffett on repeat. I woke up and fell asleep to the waves. In short, it was paradise.
One Challenge
ONE. I am struggling with the uncertainty that COVID-19 brings to my upcoming travel plans. (I know I am not the only one struggling with this uncertainty!) I was supposed to be finished with my traveling in three weeks…and today, I still don’t know when I’ll be able to return to the road in the first place. It can be a little disheartening, but I’m choosing to see the bright side: I have been given the incredible gift of time. Time to reflect on what I’ve learned, time to try new creative projects, time to push We the Voters to the next level.

What I’m Looking Forward to in August
I am hoping that August will bring some more time on the lake, in the mountains and at the beach. Spending time (even if it’s just a few hours) unplugged from the digital world does wonders for my productivity and personal morale. There are plenty of opportunities where I’m situated currently — I’m 15 minutes from the lake, two hours from the mountains, and four hours from the ocean. I want to take advantage.
I am excited to finish working on the first season of We the Voters podcast, which is investigating topics that fall under your pick for season one: Debunking American Myths. Working on the podcast has gone through many iterations in the past year, but I think this is the best yet — I can’t wait to share it with you soon.
I have a few exciting new ways to support We the Voters percolating and I want to make them a reality. Perhaps August is my month to make it happen. We shall see.
As always, if you have questions or comments about We the Voters, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with me. Shoot me an email at wethevotersproject@gmail.com… my inbox is always open to you.
Happy weekend.