Good morning from another Monday — and a new month. I hope this week brings you continued health and high spirits, even amidst the ongoing uncertainty.

I’ll be spending today, and the majority of this week, tweaking the upcoming podcast series and working on some preliminary documentary work. I’m excited about the potential that a new month has in store. 

But for now, the news.

Note: As a disclaimer, I want to say that the links I share below do not necessarily reflect my own views, either politically or personally. Some are left-leaning, some are right-leaning, some are more in the middle. I am constantly challenging myself to consider issues from all angles, and these links reflect this challenge. 

Secondary note: Additionally, I want to take this moment to encourage you to share feedback/thoughts of your own in the comments section. I’m sincerely up for open dialogue and the sharing of opinions and ideas. That said, whether in agreement or criticism, please always treat each other with mutual respect. 

Would in person voting cause COVID-19 spikes? Results from Wisconsin’s April primary suggest otherwise. For more data, FiveThirtyEight has reviewed the numbers from 38 state elections during the pandemic.

Florida Senator Marco Rubio plays a large role in President Trump’s Latin America policy. Here’s why.

The extreme influx of news sources makes it difficult to sort through and find the truth — and easier to interpret stories to fit your own views

On a similar note, does Twitter’s algorithm favor one political party over another? The data suggests it favors something entirely different

After an appearance touting economic recovery, banking experts weigh in on the National Economic Council’s plan

Looking ahead to Election Day — is COVID-19 harming the GOP’s “brand”

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is making his VP pick. But no choice seems like a “home run.” 

England is proposing a new democracy alliance. Could this new “D10” be a game-changer in foreign policy?

Is there any precedent to delaying the election? History says no.

One man goes under cover into a dark web empire — that’s built within a former Cold War bunker.

Until next week — please let me know what you think! I always welcome feedback, especially in terms of additional reading or sources; please feel free to leave them in the comments below or via