Saturday afternoon, approximately 250 people gathered on a farm just outside Hartwell, Georgia for a Get Out the Vote event sponsored by the Hart County Republican Party. This event, which included a complimentary barbecue lunch, featured speakers running for local, state, and national office.
Throughout the afternoon, speakers rallied voters to get out to the polls on Election Day.
“The Georgia Senate seat is not for sale,” one speaker said. “Remember that on Election Day.”
“200,000 registered Republicans in 2018 did not vote,” another said. “You have a contact list in your phone. You need to connect with your friends and get them a plan.”
Co-chairs of the Hart County Republican Party shared with me that they are feeling optimistic about a win on November 3rd. They have had a record turnout for yard signs, they said, as well as a substantial increase in membership for the local party chapter.
“I’m not going to compromise on American and you shouldn’t either,” a local candidate said. “If we win, we will extend the United States of America for generations to come. If we fail, we will be called America but we will not recognize it.”
Applause rang steadily throughout the event, as well as cheers and whoops of support for President Donald Trump.
“I support Donald Trump because he gets results,” the final speaker said. “If you want to call Donald Trump a nationalist, call me a nationalist — because I put America first.”
Saturday’s event included information on local and state candidates, yard signs for Republican candidates at all levels, and sign-ups to get involved for door-knocking operations.
“We’re feeling good that we’ll come home with a win on November 3rd,” co-chair Guy Hagan said. “We’re feeling real good.”
[Editors Note]: It is here that I want to remind you of the premise of this project — we are more alike than different and most people are good. We the Voters is a non-partisan project; coverage of any event or group does not equal endorsement. As with all of my coverage in the past year, I hope it helps you gain a more full picture of the many pieces in the American puzzle.