Saturday afternoon, approximately 50 people gathered at a private home in Hartwell, Georgia, for a Get Out the Vote event sponsored by Hart County for Biden. This event, which included complementary soft drinks and music by a local band, featured speakers running for local, state, and national office.
Throughout the afternoon, speakers energized voters to get out to the polls on or before Election Day — and to get their friends to the polls too.
“I am not a politician,” one speaker said, appealing to voters for their support this November. “I am not polished. I am not trained in political speech. I am just passionate about helping people.”
“We are showing people that Democrats are good people,” he said. “I would venture to say that Republicans are good people too. And when we demonize other people, we do an injustice to our neighbors.”
The president of the local Democratic party told me that they were eager to see the results on Election Day. This is the first election season where the Democratic Party has organized in Hartwell in approximately 25 years.
“We are feeling very confident that we will be celebrating come Election Day,” he told me. “Early voting has been breaking records and was wrapped around the library building on day one. We’re gonna do well.”
Energy was high during the event, even with strict COVID-19 procedures (including mandatory masks, social distancing, and ample hand sanitizer) in place.
“I want you to be inspired by the people here,” one speaker said. “It doesn’t take a lot to volunteer, to commit. As we get through November 3rd, my commitment to you all is that I’m not going anywhere. Whether I’m on the ballot, not on the ballot, I’m here.”
“I want you to recruit more Democrats, more young people,” he continued. “To get more people involved in politics and in our races.”
Saturday’s event included information on local and state candidates, yard signs for Democratic candidates at all levels, and sign-ups to get involved with the Democratic Party past Election Day.
“We need to get out to vote,” one volunteer said. “Turn your folks out. We all have cousins, brothers, sisters, people in our church — they can’t stay at home. I’m tired of Donald Trump. The only way we’re going to defeat him is if we get people out to vote.”
[Editors Note]: It is here that I want to remind you of the premise of this project — we are more alike than different and most people are good. We the Voters is a non-partisan project; coverage of any group or event by We the Voters does not equal endorsement. As with all of my coverage in the past year, I hope it helps you gain a more full picture of the many pieces in the American puzzle.