After what has felt like an extremely long election season, Election Day 2020 has finally arrived. I’m out and about this evening, attending several Election Night watch parties: one hosted by the local Republican party and one hosted by a local Democratic candidate for Congress — and more, as I track events popping up in the area. 

I’ll take you along with me to both of these events (and more) in real time via Facebook and Instagram, and will have a more complete update tomorrow morning following the events. 

BUT! For now, I wanted to share a few things I’ve heard already on Election Day about voting in Georgia and the reasons why readers like you are casting their ballots. 

Voting Today

Voting in Georgia is busy today, following up to an exceptionally high early voting season that ended over the weekend. One reader told me that at his polling location, there were approximately 7 to 10 poll watchers and workers  — more than usual in elections past. He also told me that there were way more younger poll workers than he’s ever seen since he began voting in Georgia. 

The entire process took him about 15 minutes from start to finish, and there were six other people voting at the same time. Two county sheriffs were positioned outside the polling location, monitoring the activity. 

There was no social distancing at all, he told me, and only two of the poll workers were wearing masks. None of the other voters or poll watchers were wearing masks or keeping their distance. There were no markers on the ground for distancing as part of COVID-19 precautions, although there was hand sanitizer when you walked in the door. 

There were also places to put used and unused screen pens, which were being provided to voters to minimize touching screens with their fingers. 

This reader had to vote in person because his absentee ballot never arrived in the mail. There was a separate line for these voters, he said, where they looked you up and checked the ballot status. 

If a ballot had been sent out, a voter needed to sign an affidavit guaranteeing that they would not vote twice. In cases where a ballot was never sent, like this reader, they were simply allowed to vote. 

Issues with mail-in ballots was happening overwhelmingly this year, a poll worker told him. Just about every other person had had a mail-in ballot issue. 

If you want to share what voting in person was like by you, please drop me a line at for a chance to have it featured in tomorrow’s update! I greatly appreciate you being my “eyes on the ground” where you live.

Why Readers are Voting

Below, you can see some of the reasons why readers like you have chosen their candidates. (All punctuation and emphasis is the readers, who provided their insights in exchange for anonymity.) If you want to share why you are voting for your candidate for a feature in tomorrow’s coverage, please drop me a line at or comment on this blog post to have it featured. 

I’m voting for Donald Trump because…I can’t vote for politician who is anti-cop. It’s detrimental to anyone in high crime areas. 

I’m voting for Donald Trump because…policy. 

I’m voting for Joe Biden because…ugh, first time in my adult life I’m voting for a dem. Trump gave me little choice. 

I’m voting for Joe Biden because…the country can’t withstand to be this divided for another four years.

I’m voting for Joe Biden because…I can confidently say I wasn’t complacent in anything the Republicans gain. 

I’m voting for Joe Biden because…I believe in science, in the truth, in hope, and respect for all people and the planet. 

I’m voting for Joe Biden because…I’d like him to undo some of the things Trump did while in office. 

I’m voting for Joe Biden because…I can’t handle the Trump madness any longer. 

I’m voting for Joe Biden because…I believe Trump is not only a selfish moron, he is creating a citizen militia “army.” 

I’m voting for Joe Biden because…he’s more in tune with WORKING moms (and dads) and respects them. 

I’m voting for Joe Biden because…he’s not Donald Trump. 

I’m voting for Joe Biden because…my faith. I align more with Biden’s policies and conduct than Trump’s. 

I’m voting third party because…my views align with independents! 

Watching Election Coverage? Want More View Points? 

First, I always recommend keeping an eye on We the Voters Facebook and Instagram pages for real-time updates from the ground. Here, you’ll see updates and insights that you won’t get from national pundits on the cable news networks. 😉 (Hey! I’ve gotta plug what I’m doing, right?) 

Second, if you’re interested in reading some conservative opinions and commentary on Election happenings, I recommend The Bulwark and National Review

If you’re interested in reading some liberal opinions and commentary about Election happenings, I recommend Vox and The Atlantic

If you’re interested in reading more non-partisan news and analysis, consider reading the Associated Press and (for an international perspective) BBC. For polling and real-time updates, read FiveThirtyEight

**Disclaimer: We the Voters is a non-partisan project. Recommendations for news sources does not mean I endorse the news stories or opinions expressed within those sources. 

Did I miss your favorite news source? Let me know in the comments — I’m always interested in reading different perspectives and journalism projects. 

In Conclusion

I’ll be back tomorrow with stories from this evening in a series of small towns around Northern Georgia. And then, depending on how the following days go, continue to provide coverage as election results are counted and reported. 

In the meantime, check out the We the Voters Facebook and Instagram pages. You don’t want to miss it! 

Happy Election Day.