About 75 people gathered outside the county courthouse in Laurens, South Carolina Sunday afternoon to take part in a Prayer Vigil for America, organized by the Laurens Liberty Society.

“We will pray until it goes through the courts,” one minister said, leading the group in prayer on the sunny afternoon. 

“I pray you protect Donald J. Trump,” he continued, “We the people are still gonna stand, we’re not gonna quit until you tell us to quit, until [Donald Trump] tells us to quit.” 

Laurens, South Carolina is a town of approximately 9,000 people, located 40 miles outside of Greenville. In the 2020 election, 65.61% of voters cast ballots for President Donald Trump while 33.32% cast ballots for former Vice President Joe Biden. 

“Prayer is vital and I felt called to come here and pray for our country,” one woman told me. “We have things to deal with, but I don’t think this country needs to be moving in a progressive direction. I think we need to pray, all we can do is pray at this point.” 

“We definitely need prayer, that’s for sure,” another man said. 

Attendees stood together on a bright and warm afternoon sun to pray for a fair and free election, to express their concern that the Associated Press announcement the day before, which called the 2020 election for former Vice President Biden. 

“There’s blatant, outright issues with at least six races,” one man told me. “You can see it online, you can look at all the numbers.” 

Concerns have circulated via social media and conservative news sources that there are issues with mail-in ballots, election fraud, and more. President Donald Trump has opened five legal cases so far to probe results in key swing states; additionally, multiple states have announced they will conduct recounts, either automatically due to a close vote count or per the president’s request. 

“We’re not praying for you to take us back,” another minister prayed. “We need to be healed from racism, we need to be led in the right direction. Not as democrats and republicans, but for knowledge to know what to do.” 

“Lord, I pray that you’ll expose this deception and you’ll have the final say,” he continued. “We pray that every vote is verified. No matter what the outcome is, we know that you are still Lord.” 

[Editors Note]: It is here that I want to remind you of the premise of this project — we are more alike than different and most people are good. We the Voters is a non-partisan project; coverage of any group or event by We the Voters does not equal endorsement. As with all of my coverage in the past year, I hope it helps you gain a more full picture of the many pieces in the American puzzle.