Citizens from cities and towns across all 50 states gathered in Washington DC November 14th to protest during the Million MAGA March, an event planned as part of the #StopTheSteal movement.
“Stop the Steal” is an internet movement that has quickly gained steam in “real life” across the country, as thousands of citizens have taken to the streets to express their frustration and distrust in the 2020 Election results. Supporters of the #StopTheSteal movement have told me allegations of mail-in voting fraud, ballot tabulation fraud, and more, over the past several weeks.
The Million MAGA March brought in thousands of citizens to the nation’s capital as a strong display of unity among President Trump’s voting base. Supporters expressed their passion for President Trump, their frustration with the media, and more on the sunny Saturday afternoon.
“Everyone here believes it 100% that the Democrats rigged it,” one supporter from Pennsylvania told me. “[They made a selection], the selection that they didn’t want Trump in.”
“And that’s why we’re here,” she continued. “That’s why I am.”
Attendees gathered at Freedom Plaza near the White House before marching down Pennsylvania Avenue to the Supreme Court on Saturday. Chants such as “Fox News Sucks” and “Trump for King” range out down Pennsylvania Avenue as they marched.
“If the courts come back and say that it went for Biden, we will go home and accept that,” one supporter from West Virginia told me. “We’re not going to burn down our home if he loses. We’re going to grit our teeth and go back to work and wait another four years.”
[Editors Note]: It is here that I want to remind you of the premise of this project — we are more alike than different and most people are good. We the Voters is a non-partisan project; coverage of any group or event by We the Voters does not equal endorsement. As with all of my coverage in the past year, I hope it helps you gain a more full picture of the many pieces in the American puzzle.