#StopTheSteal protestors clashed with counter-protesters November 14th as the two groups faced off following the Million MAGA March, a confrontation that left multiple people stabbed and more arrested in Washington DC. 

Thousands of people came to the nation’s capital in November to show their support for President Trump and express their frustration and distrust in the 2020 Election Results. On a sunny afternoon, they marched peacefully from Freedom Plaza to the Supreme Court to stand up and express their First Amendment rights. 

That evening, a smaller group of #StopTheSteal protestors faced off, verbally and later physically, against a small group of counter-protesters outside of Black Lives Matter Plaza on 16th and K Streets. This confrontation followed a planned peaceful rally that is held every Saturday in support of Black Lives Matter, which was rushed by a small group of Million MAGA March attendees. 

What had been a peaceful protest during the day quickly turned tense as vitriolic insults were hurled from both sides and police were dispatched in an attempt to separate the crowds and quell the unrest. 

“We all need to learn how to live here together,” one man observed. “We may not always like each other, but we’re all here, and we need to learn how to live here together.” 

The two groups were separated from each other by a line of police officers, who later dispersed the crowd of about 450 people into two groupings — one on K Street and the other on 16th. Riot gear, pepper spray, and other methods were used to separate and move the crowd as tensions continue to grow.

“You see what I got on this flag,” one Million MAGA March attendee said to a group of counter-protesters. “Think about what I got in my pocket.” 

“C’mon over the line and say it to my face,” one counter-protester taunted a #StopTheSteal supporter, who was standing behind the police line. “C’mon over here and square up.”

At about 8:30 pm, the remaining crowd was peaceful and mostly dispersed when a group identifying themselves as the Proud Boys arrived on the scene. Soon after, a fight broke out between the remaining protestors, leaving multiple people injured, at least two people stabbed, and 20 people arrested. 

[Editors Note]: It is here that I want to remind you of the premise of this project — we are more alike than different and most people are good. We the Voters is a non-partisan project; coverage of any group or event by We the Voters does not equal endorsement. As with all of my coverage in the past year, I hope it helps you gain a more full picture of the many pieces in the American puzzle.