It’s been in the works for a while now…and it’s finally here.
The We the Voters Podcast with Emily Cate launches next week(!!).

A few months ago, I ran a poll on my social media channels to let readers like you decide on the topic we’re diving into in the first season of the We the Voters podcast. After two rounds of voting, the theme became clear: Debunking US Myths was the top choice for season one.
So I got to work, defining what the podcast would look like and researching the topics that fit within this broad theme. As I dug into the stories I found and the lessons I learned while on the road, the podcast mission became clear.
The We the Voters podcast cuts through the noise of a 24-hour news cycle to bring you both sides of big issues.
Each episode in the first season of the podcast will address opposing facets in 12 issues facing US citizens today. It’s all about covering opinions and uncovering myths from both sides of the aisle.
As with everything in We the Voters, it’s my goal that this podcast will encourage you to look at issues from differing perspectives…and look at fellow Americans with the same empathy you grant family and friends.

In this 12-episode season, I walk listeners through the context and core beliefs of a dozen key issues. After all, it’s not just about what’s being talked about today; instead, it’s important to consider the issue within the larger picture of history and while looking toward the future.
New podcast episodes will be released every Wednesday morning, starting January 20, 2021.
Listen to the podcast preview by pressing play in the player below to listen straight away.
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