Season 1 Episode 2 of the We the Voters podcast tackles two sides of a debate in US culture: free speech and the first amendment. In this episode, I ask the question…Is Hate Speech Free Speech? 

And then, I try to answer it — from two schools of thought. 

You can listen to the episode right here, or wherever you listen to your podcasts: 

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News Clips References in this Episode 

This is an interactive site that explains precedent set within the First Amendment.

This is a copy of the Constitution

This is a government site that explains free speech protections under the law. 

This is an article about key moments in first amendment history. 

This is a government site that explains the historical context of free speech. 

Here are more details about Davis v. Massachusetts

This is a detailed outline of the history of free speech. 

Here are more details about United States v. Schwimmer

Here is the 2008 EU law to combat racism and xenophobia. 

These are two references that cite rising hate rimes in Europe. 

Here are the 2019 FBI hate crime statistics

This is the USA Today op-ed against the United States adopting a European style hate speech law. 

Here is Twitter’s statement abut the decision to permanently ban former President Donald Trump. 

This is the ACLU op-ed that Facebook should not censor hate speech. 

This is the ABA Journal article about social media legislation. 

This is the Notre Dame Law Review article about free speech and censorship. 

This is the Columbia Law Review article about free speech as a triangle. 

This is the Des Moines Register op-ed about social media censorship. 

This is the Vox article about the rise of extremists on Telegram. 

Here is a timeline of the events in Charlottesville, Virginia in August 2017. 

This is the New York Daily News op-ed about free speech after Charlottesville. 

This is an ACLU press release regarding the Doe v. Mckesson case. 

This is the Vox article in support of permanently banning former President Donald Trump from social media platforms. 

This is the Wall Street Journal article about the events in Washington DC on January 6, 2021. 

This is an ACLU press release regarding their call to impeach now-former President Trump. 

This is the ACLU op-ed about free speech accountability. 

This is the Business Insider article about banning hate speech.  

This is the Perspective op-ed about the first amendment and hate speech. 

This is the Hartford Courant op-ed about why the United States needs a hate speech law. 

Here is the 2018 Gallup poll about hate speech on college campuses. 

This is the ACLU op-ed in defense of free speech on college campuses. 

Here is the poll about social media censorship. 

Sound Clips Referenced in this Episode 

This is the 60 Minutes Interview with ACLU Executive Director Anthony Romero. 

This is the Fox News interview with Byron York. 

This is the Fox News Sunday interview with Parler CEO John Matze. 

This is the ABC-7 interview with Neil Johnson. 

This is the Big Think interview with former ACLU president Nadine Strossom. 

This is the CTV News interview with Allan Lichtman. 

This is the Wall Street Journal piece that focused on free speech on college campuses, including interviews with professor Bill Drummond and student activists. 

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If you have thoughts about this week’s episode, I’ve opened up a text and voicemail hotline at 773-658-9492. Your stories and thoughts may be used in an upcoming episode or otherwise on the We the Voters site. 

You can also email me at anytime at I love to hear from you!