Every day I have traveled through this country, I am struck with immense gratitude for the opportunity I have to do so. The fact that I am able to do so due to the enormous sacrifice of people who put their country first does not escape me; we owe so much to them for their bravery. 

Approximately 7.3 percent of Americans have served in the military at some point in their lives — and about 1.4 million serve in the branches today (less than 1 percent of the country’s population). They work all over the country and the world to protect our nation’s interests, often with little fanfare yet utmost importance. 

Today is about remembering those who served — and those who gave the ultimate sacrifice — for our country. Honoring their memory is essential in remembering the fabric of our country and what it stands for. Pausing to remember reminds us of lessons from the past while pushing us forward towards an even brighter future. 

Instead of rambling on today, please allow me to end with a quote that sums up my sentiments perfectly: 

Thank you to those men and women who put self aside because they held the thought of us on the inside. So, whether that be the bloodied beaches on D-Day or any number of other battles remembered or forgotten, we now hold you on the inside and we say “thank you.”

—Craig D. Lounsbrough 

More tomorrow, but for today, simply: thank you. 

1 Comment

David Prigel · May 25, 2020 at 11:59 am

Celebrating Memorial Day here. My father and Becky’s each served during WWII in the Army and Navy respectively.

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